Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Blog Post #4 - Jacob

1) Some abiotic factors on which mine and teams plants depends for its survival the sun or any kind of light, water, soil, and so much more. Biotic factors that affect mine and teams plants are insects and animals (including humans). Some of these factors are the insects eating the plant, human can step on them, animal can do what do their business on the plants.

2) I know my  plants are engaged in competition by telling how tall they get and how health that are. Mine and teams plants are competing for light, water, space for it's roots to grow and much more. Mine and teams plants are competing against the other plants around them.

3) The "winners" are the plants still surviving bright colors, tall, and wide and the "loses" are the ones that dying short, one color, and skinny. Most of the time, it clear.

4) Weather.

5)  Primary succession the weeds can be an example of that

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