Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Student Blog Post Assignment #4 -Sayra

     An abiotic factor is a non-living thing that can affect the experiment. Some of them were rain, soil, sun, air quality, and other things. The soil has a huge impact on the plants because if a slight thing goes wrong with it, the plant will not grow. The weather can also affect the plant because they will not grow if there is too much heat or if there is too much rain. There are also biotic factors that affect it. Some are predators, prey, humans, and competitors.  Competition is clearly seen where our plant is because we can tell that other plants fight for the amount of space that our plant has. The weeds and plants that surround it compete for some resources which are soil, food, water, and others. Predation also affects it because there are animals that eat part of our plant.
     Since our plants participate in competition, the weeds and plants that grow around it compete for the sources that it has. Some of them are water, food, soil, etc. It is noticeable that there is competition because in the garden, you can see weeds growing around our plant which takes over the space that it needs to grow.
     In order to see who will take up the space you need to compare the plants. Whoever is the tallest plant will usually take over since it is the one that gets nutrients and sunlight. Sometimes it is not always easy to tell which plant will get the space because both can be very similar. If it is difficult, it is because they are very similar in strength and height.
     Our plant also participates in predation, parasitism, and mutualism. You can tell that predation is occurring when our plant is being eaten or when it's taking nutrients from Earth. Parasitism happens if the organism is hurt or killed during the interaction. Mutualism takes place when one or both organism can be benefited by the interaction. They both take place in the environment of our plant.
     Not many succession is seen in the garden so the only thing that you can really see are little seedlings that start to grown on bare patches of dirt. That is called secondary succession. It starts out with dirt, and primary succession does not start with it. The seedling that start to grow mean that there will soon be plants that will start to grown there.

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